Neurological Insights into Abacus Training

An Abacus is a tool with beads and rods that helps with math operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, and cubic roots. Kids start by using a physical Abacus, but with practice, they can do these calculations mentally, imagining the Abacus in their minds. This makes them quick and accurate in math! 

Evolution of the Abacus Through History

Around 2700 B.C., the Sumerians conceptualized their early calculation tool—a block of wood or clay divided into columns. These columns aligned with their base-60 numeration system, similar to our units and tens columns in modern sums.

This primitive version is considered an ancestor of what we now know as the Abacus. Over time, the Sumerians transitioned from physical objects to a board, allowing them to erase and recalculate as needed.

In the fifth century B.C., the Zapotecs in Central America and the Greeks developed similar devices. The Greek Abacus was a table filled with sand, and columns were formed by running a finger through the sand-filled surface. The term “Abacus” is believed to come from the Greek word “abax,” meaning tray or tablet, derived from the Semitic word “ABQ,” which translates to dust or sand.

The Roman Abacus, initially a small, flat piece of wood or bone coated with wax, marked with an iron instrument’s pointed end and designed for erasing with the opposite end, was a primitive portable calculator. As time progressed, the Romans enhanced their Abacus, replacing grooves with wax and embedding counters or beads.

The Roman Abacus shared similarities with the traditional Chinese Abacus, suggesting cross-cultural influence. The knowledge exchange between Rome and China likely contributed to refining the journey of the Abacus in both regions. The Abacus is said to have a neurological effect on the brain, which we will explore in the next section. 

Neurological Insights into Abacus Training

Children trained in Abacus techniques show increased brain activity compared to other subjects. Specifically, their right posterior superior parietal lobule, superior occipital gyrus, and right supplementary motor area are more active during tasks.

Differences emerge between Abacus experts and non-experts when looking at neural activity during mental calculation tasks. Adults have increased activation in the right frontoparietal areas during numeral tasks, especially the posterior superior parietal cortex. This suggests that Abacus-trained experts use more visuospatial/visuomotor imagery processes in mental calculations than non-experts.

Similar patterns are found in studies with Abacus-trained children. Experts activate different brain circuits during simple and complex addition tasks, while controls show consistent activation patterns in specific brain areas. These studies emphasize the reliance on brain areas linked to visuospatial imagination, not linguistic information processing, in mental calculation for Abacus-trained individuals.

Further studies using MRI technology support these findings in both adults and children. Abacus-trained individuals show better neural activity related to visuospatial information processing during digit memory and mental calculation tasks. This consistent pattern highlights the dependence on the right frontoparietal network for mental calculations in Abacus-trained individuals.

Ongoing research seeks to deepen our understanding of the neural impact of Abacus training. The goal is to translate these neuroscientific insights into effective educational practices and interventions, especially for those facing challenges in mathematical abilities.

What Makes Mental Abacus Training Special?

Mental Abacus online training stands out for its unique approach, utilizing a student’s visual memory. By breaking down the Abacus into separate columns, each with its detailed structure stored independently in memory, this method proves efficient and impressive, showcasing heightened concentration, intensity, and speed.

Some of its Practical Benefits are Listed Below.

  1. Better Memory: Mental Abacus training significantly improves memory. Visualizing and manipulating the Abacus in the mind helps develop a sharper and more retentive memory.
  2. Improved Problem-Solving: Practicing mental Abacus calculations enhances problem-solving skills, fostering quick thinking and analytical abilities.
  3. Blending Tradition with Modern Learning by Being Adaptable to Modern Learning: Mental Abacus training is well-suited to modern education, creating a comprehensive and effective learning experience despite its ancient origins.
  4. Encourages Creative Thinking: Manipulating the Abacus mentally promotes creative thinking, helping students develop innovative approaches to problem-solving.
  5. Tailored Cognitive Development with Concentration and Focus: The need for precise mental calculations cultivates concentration and focus, improving attention spans and sustained mental effort.
  6. Confidence Booster: Mastering mental Abacus techniques boosts confidence by allowing students to perform complex calculations mentally, instilling a sense of accomplishment.
  7. Ongoing Research and Everyday Application: Recent research has explored mental abacus abilities further, aiming to uncover additional cognitive benefits and refine teaching methods.
  8. Practical in Daily Life: Mental Abacus skills extend beyond academics, finding practical applications in daily life, from quick mental math in shopping to efficient problem-solving in real-world situations.

Mathooz makes online Abacus training simple and effective. Our platform is easy to use, offering courses for all skill levels. With interactive and engaging modules, complex concepts become easy to understand. Mathooz uses online tools like AbacusAutoBeads, making it accessible to everyone. 

Abacus Live Online Classes
Unlock your child’s potential with Mathooz abacus training

Our platform guides learners through step-by-step abacus techniques in a supportive environment, allowing students to learn at their own pace. Mathooz can be the key to mastering mental abacus skills and building confidence in your child’s mathematical calculations.

So, what are you waiting for? Contact us at or dial +91 91761 47549. We’re happy to provide all the details you need! 

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By Mathooz

Mathooz is a top-notch Online Abacus Training Provider headquartered in Larkvagen, Sweden, and Chennai, India. We are renowned for conducting the finest Abacus Training online and in class.

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